Service Description

Still life painting has for centuries engaged artists in the unique challenge of defining meaning within the constraints of the modest. Such paintings have been my principal focus for years now.

Still life includes all kinds of man-made or natural objects, cut flowers, fruit, vegetables, fish, game, wine and so on. It can be a celebration of material pleasures such as food and wine, or often a warning of the ephemerality of these pleasures. In most cases, this genre includes paintings of subjects that surround us every day.

As an experienced artist I can say that making still life paintings is definitely one of my favorite activities. I can also create complex paintings in this genre so contact me to discuss your preferences.

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Vase with Apples

One of my earlier works, this painting is a perfect representation of still life genre.

Summer Flowers

I made this painting as a present for my best friend from college in 2010.

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